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November 2020 product updates

We are constantly busy adding new features for you. In the latest release we deliver some great benefits to help you manage your properties more effectively.

  • Help you to manage HMOs more efficiently with our great new multi-unit tools.

  • Additional support to help you manage commercial property types including multi-tenancy scenarios like serviced offices / student blocks / etc.

  • Record details of individual rooms in a property and track tenancies / expenses / documents and issues to them.

  • Record as many images as you want against each property including against each room at the property.

  • Slice and dice data the way you want to with our new export to spreadsheet functions.

  • Loads of usability improvements to give you easier access to info on our property summary screen.

  • Chat communication enhancements and notifications

HMO support with multiple rentable rooms

HMO Landlords can now set up their properties with the layout of the rooms. You can add rooms using the intelligent room configurator or just single rooms as required. Just access via the “Multi Add” action menu item and based on the property type we will present you with a set of room types for that property which you can edit before finalising the generation of the rooms. You can then add further details about the room such as target rent and size.

  • Tenants, documents, and transactions can all now be recorded against these individual rooms.

  • Enable chat and communication between roommates and ensure everyone is up to date on your property and any maintenance issues.

  • Share documents with all your tenants with a single upload to your property.

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In the future you will be able to perform inspections on your property based upon the rooms and equipment composition. We are working on this now so will have it with you soon.

Commercial property support with multiple units

Whether you are managing offices, student blocks, storage, or retail premises the multi-unit functionality now supports you in efficiently managing multiple tenants within a single property.

Configure your commercial property with our quick add to allow you to add multiple units in a single click. You can then add more details about the units, their size, key info, door info, paint info etc… Once the units are setup then it’s easy to add individual tenancies against each unit.

  • Record automated rent transactions and individual expense items for any ad hoc requirement

  • Chat for quick communication if any issues with payments

  • Chat with your on-site trade to resolve issues

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Ability to add multiple images to properties and units

You’ve heard about the multiple rooms and units but now you can also add as many images as you like against them. Take photos of specific rooms you let and the communal areas in readiness for advertising your property.

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Communication > Chat and notification

Communicate with tenants and trades persons in a single location with real time notifications. Simply add your contacts, invite them to the platform and chat away. Enjoy the following benefits:


  • See a massive reduction of your emails and keep a secure audit of all your communication with you tenants.

  • Ensure issues are resolved by inviting trades persons to join the chat and start to resolve issues without the need to visit.

  • Share images and invite multiple contacts to the chat.

  • Let roommates chat and keep everyone up to date in a single location.

  • Happy tenants, happy landlord!


Property summary page enhancements and unit summary component

We’ve updated the property summary page to make it focus on the information you want to see. We’ve reduced the number of tabs to make navigation easier and provided new links to all the key aspects of managing your property.

You can now add multiple images of your property and we have added a new property spec tile showing the following information:

  • The property type and age

  • The local council information and links

  • The EPC rating

  • Summary of units/rooms with indicators of rented or vacant

All these provide quick links to access the more detailed information

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